New Virginian IBCLC, Shameka Watson, Experiences the Benefit of HUG Your Baby Training and Resources
SC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor is New Certified HUG Teacher!
Kara Trahant, IBCLC - new Certified HUG Teacher serving families in Virginia
IBCLC with a Community Parent Education Program is a New Certified HUG Teacher
Kelley MacArthur, RN, IBCLC, is the Clinical Coordinator for the Motherhood Program in Poquoson, VA. She shares her "Reflections" about her HUG Your Baby training.
New Certified HUG Teacher Brings Her Expertise to the Care of Late Preterm Infants and their Families
Arrian Tate, new Certified HUG Teacher in New Orleans
Arrian works with the amazing parent education program, TrainingGrounds, in New Orleans. She, and all of her colleagues, have worked hard to become Certified HUG Teachers. Every day they give a HUG to parents and babies in their wonderful city!
Here Arrian shares her experience with HUG Your Baby.
I really believe the HUG Your Baby course has improved not only my range of knowledge and how I respond, but also how I interact with the baby and parent(s). One HUG experience that was meaningful to me was when a parent was breastfeeding her liltle one who was only a month old. She commented that he always fall asleep whenever he feed and she feels like he's not getting enough milk. I explained to her some the information I remembered about feeding, including that babies sometimes fall asleep during feeding times because of that special hormone being released and also shared some tips on breastfeeding. I asked her how much does baby make wet/soiled diapers, and also gave her the information on baby's weight fluxuations and that he is absolutely getting all he needs. I concluded by inviting the parent to a take a HUG course, explaining that all these tips, cues, and information can be learned in ths course, and to also attend a Baby Cafe session that we offer wher she can also connect with not only a Lactation Specialist, but other breastfeeding moms throughtout various stages of the breastfeeding journey as well.
Insegnante HUG Certificato (CHT), Samuel Dallarovere
Sono un osteopata pediatrico da circa 10 anni vede un consulente dell’allattamento IBCLC e vedo spesso dei genitori in confusione sulla gestione dei loro figli. Non hanno idea di cosa vogliono comunicare loro e di come fare per risolvere i piccoli problemi dei loro figli.
Spesso si agitano e ingigantiscono i problemi che si parano davanti a loro.
HUG YOUR BABY mi ha permesso di avere uno strumento comunicativo da trasmettere ai genitori. Insegnare loro a come riconoscere gli stati del neonato e quando è più ricettivo per instaurare una interazione e quando invece non è più il momento di interagire.
Trovo che queste strategie siano utili al genitore anche quando ci sono dei parenti che continuano a sovraeccitare il bambino per fare in modo di intervenire prontamente ed evitare di portare al pianto il bimbo
Tengo mensilmente un corso per le mamme per insegnare loro la gestione dei primi 12 mesi di vita di loro figlio. Trovo che il primo anno di vita sia per loro il più impegnativo in quando devono imparare a conoscere il loro bambino.
Il corso spazia dalla gestione del sonno del neonato all’interpretazione del linguaggio del neonato, alla gestione dell’allattamento e ai temperamenti di Thomas e Chess
Le mamme che partecipano a questo corso si rendono conto di quanto possano fare per il loro figlio e di quanto sia importante l’osservazione per poter imparare giorno per giorno a comunicare con loro figlio.
Sono contento di aver fatto questo corso perché mi ha dato delle competenze in più.
Insegnante HUG Certificato (CHT), Francesca Baldessari
Erika Moore, IBCLC, new Certifiied HUG Teacher!
Anne Kwiatkowski, New Certified HUG Teacher.
TrainingGround's Daniela De Marchena De La Roda, Certified HUG Teacher
Tina Colbaugh from Cleveland, Tennessee becomes a Certified HUG teacher
Tina is a Maternity Case Manager with Blue in Tennessee. She shares a story from Certified HUG Teacher training.
New Certified HUG Teacher in North Carolina
I have really enjoyed learning how to use evidence-based information to help my parents recognize their baby's development and use that information to meet their baby's needs. One parent had feeding issues and her baby was underweight. By educating the mother on her baby's extended rebooting phase, the mother was able to acknowledge that her baby was hungry. After a well-visit with her doctor, a feeding plan was established and both mother and baby appeared happier and better bonded in just a few days.