HUG Your Baby Website
PO Box 3102 Durham, NC USA

HUG Your Baby goes to Singapore!

Chen Meng , a new Certified HUG Teacher, is a Lactation Consultant in Singapore and is bringing HUG Your Baby to her practice and her country. We are excited to hear ways that Singapore mothers can come to understand their babies' behaviour. 

I have been using  Hug Your Baby in my other classes. I remember I was conducting a training class last year. One mother brought her 1 year old baby  with her for the 3 day workshop. There were 20 adults in the venue and hers was the only baby. The baby was very quiet during our class. After I explained  baby "SOS", we observed the baby's behaviour.  We watched the mother try to make eye contact with her baby. But, the baby showed us "switching-off" and did not engage with her mother.  It was an amazing experience to all of us. We discussed the baby's behaviour. We concluded that baby was overstimulated by all the strangers and nosies although she did not cry out. This baby was a lesson to all of us. We understood that observing baby's behaviour is so important!

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