HUG Your Baby Website
PO Box 3102 Durham, NC USA

New Certified HUG Teacher Brings HUG Your Baby to Her Class for Parents

Angela Chivers is an ICEA Childbirth Educator from Luck, Wisconsin. She is eager to share how she incorporates HUG Your Baby into a class for new parents.

I run a weekly breastfeeding support group. While I was working on my HUG certification, I had a mom that came in with a classic 3-week growth spurt. She tearfully told me that when she first got home from the hospital, her baby slept most of the time. Last week, her baby had begun crying and wanting to be held more frequently, and this week, she wanted to "nurse all of the time." I was able to show her on the Breastfeeding Roadmap that her baby was doing exactly what I would expect her to do. After observing a successful breastfeeding and weighing her baby, she felt reassured that what her baby was doing was normal.  It has been wonderful using The HUG ideas and resources with my clients. I'm proud to be able to give moms a HUG.