HUG Your Baby Website
PO Box 3102 Durham, NC USA

ILCA and Lamaze/ICEA Love Getting A HUG!

ILCA 2015

ILCA brings together lactation specialists from around the world. This year nearly 300 lactation colleagues took Jan Tedder's new workshop, "Unlatched: When Normal Child Development is Mistaken as a Breastfeeding Problem."

As Jan has traveled and met lactation professionals internationally, she continues to note that the majority of lactation education centers around the issues of breastfeeding initiation, milk production, and early breastfeeding challenges. Though these issues are critical for helping mothers during the first few weeks of their infants' lives, Jan was excited to see how interested these professionals were in how to extend breastfeeding duration by helping mothers understand their child's NORMAL development.

Here's the feedback Jan recently received about her "Unlatched" presentation at ILCA 2015:

Ability to meet learning objectives
98% answered “Effective” or “Very Effective”
95% answered “Very Effective”

Speaker presentation on topic
98% answered “Effective” or “Very Effective”
95% answered “Very Effective”

Usefulness of information to my work
97% answered “Effective” or “Very Effective”
92% answered “Very Effective”

Lamaze/ICEA 2015

It is a great joy to bring HUG Your Baby to experienced professionals. And, it's especially exciting when they say, "I knew THAT; I just didn't know how to explain it to parents!"

This is what we frequently heard after Jan Tedder's presentation, "Unlatched: Breastfeeding Support for Today's Families," at the Lamaze/ICEA 2015 international conference in Las Vegas. Though information is important, USING that information to make practice changes is really what matters. And, more than 150 Lamaze/ICEA colleagues reported that the HUG presentation will change their practices. Yay! (See details below.)