As Jan has traveled and met lactation professionals internationally, she continues to note that the majority of lactation education centers around the issues of breastfeeding initiation, milk production, and early breastfeeding challenges. Though these issues are critical for helping mothers during the first few weeks of their infants' lives, Jan was excited to see how interested these professionals were in how to extend breastfeeding duration by helping mothers understand their child's NORMAL development.
Here's the feedback Jan recently received about her "Unlatched" presentation at ILCA 2015:
Ability to meet learning objectives
98% answered “Effective” or “Very Effective”
95% answered “Very Effective”
95% answered “Very Effective”
Speaker presentation on topic
98% answered “Effective” or “Very Effective”
95% answered “Very Effective”
95% answered “Very Effective”
Usefulness of information to my work
97% answered “Effective” or “Very Effective”
92% answered “Very Effective”
92% answered “Very Effective”