HUG Your Baby Website
PO Box 3102 Durham, NC USA

Illinois WIC Professionals Discover that HUG Your Baby Will Boost Breastfeeding Education and Support of Young Mothers

Last month Jan Tedder, BSN, FNP, IBCLC deliverd an all day program about the might and magic of using HUG Your Baby tools and techniques to support breastfeeding mothers. The morning was spent learning about Newborn Zones and SOS and how to help a baby move effectively from one "Zone" to another. Later that day, participants discovered the "HUG Startegies" which include the power of "Broadcasting" and "Commentating" on a newborn's behavior. Using these technique enhances the parent-provider relationship which is critical to successfull lacation support.

Finally these breastfeeding specialist learned about The HUG's Roadmap to Breastfeeding Success. They reviewed the child development and medical literature on this important subject and explored family-friendly, parent educational resources. Participants learned how normal developmental events from birth to one year of age can be misunderstood by a mother and cause her to abandon breastfeeding.

Participants had a lot to say about this continuing education program:
*100% reported that this workshop succeeded in describing newborn behaviors which might cause a mother to think she has an insufficient milk supply.
*99% reported that this workshop succeeded in describing the impact of understanding Zones and SOS on breastfeeding.
*100% reported that this workshop succeeded in describing developmental events from birth to one year that impact breastfeeding.
*100% stated they would recommend this program to colleagues.

What a joy to spend a day with such a dynamic and dedicated group of professionals.

Read about how other WIC programs have utilized The HUG.

For more information contact Ms. Tedder at