HUG Your Baby Website
PO Box 3102 Durham, NC USA

Italian Pediatrican/Neonatologist/ Lactation Consultant becomes a Certified HUG Teacher!

Laura Dell'Edera, MD, IBCLC share her HUG Your Baby experience with us.

My path as a pediatrician and neonatologist began with my first job in the 80s at a
nest" (at that time they existed!) Children were in large rooms, laying in cradles with a bottle in their mouth. They were on their own, either asleep or crying, waiting to be picked up and taken to their mothers.  Looking back I get chills! Then I became a family pediatrician. I "met" the parents and started a long journey with the ACP (Pediatric Cultural Association) leading me to learn about the theories of Bowlby and then Dr. T. Beryy Brazleton. The world opened up for me.  Because I realiazed my breastfeeding education was insufficient, I later became an IBCLC and the an infant massage educator with AIMI as a good thing to teach parents to "be with their child'. Through AIMI I met HUG Your Baby and learned that it's creator, Jan Tedder, is an IBCLC like and had studied with Dr. Brazelton!

What needs have you identified in the parents you care about?
Parents need reassurance. They would like to be "perfect parents". To them I say that bing a parent is a journey that is never really complete. They will be the one that  "knows"  their child best. Just listen to your child.

What attracted you first to HUG Your Baby?
Simplicity in explanations. This course not only for "experts'" but is also for parents and and various professionals.

What aspect of HUG Your Baby course interest you?
The SOS.  This idea is very useful for parents, especially for new parents.

What particularly struck you when you started "Broadcasting" HUG Your Baby  to those you care for?
The interest and wonder parent had when they realize how easy  it is to get in touch with their newborn.

What feedback did you have from your patients?
I would like to express it with the words of the title of a beautiful book by Elena Balsamo, "I'm here with you."