HUG Your Baby Website
PO Box 3102 Durham, NC USA

First Certified HUG Teacher from Montana

Amanda Jacobson is a Lactation Consultant in Missoula, Montana. She is the first Certified HUG Teacher from her state and today shares her journey to become a Certified HUG Teacher. I am appreciative of this HUG training because it has allowed me to help parents put their babies behavior into a different perspceptive and has allowed me to help parents engage and interact with their child in a meaningful way.

Before HUG Your Baby training, I ran into so many parents that didn't understand the behavior their child was exhibiting and they would think they were doing something wrong as a parent. Now with the HUG training I have walked parents through these behaviors and have helped parents become more confident in their own skills. As a Lactation Consultant there have been parent's I have helped that have thought their baby no longer wanted to breastfeed at 4 months old. That the baby was self-weaning. Now with HUG training, I have been able to work with the parents through these struggles.