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New Certified HUG Teacher Helps Parents Understand Baby's Sleep

Erica Desper from Drexel Hill, PA.

“I consulted with a Mom regarding the sleep challenges she was having with her 2-month-old baby. Mom was concerned that baby was sleeping very restlessly all the time and not getting a good quality of sleep. I asked several questions about baby's behavior during sleep and what concerned her. I determined from her replies that Mom was referring to baby's active sleep cycles.  I explained to Mom that newborns spend a good portion of sleep in active cycles and , while that type of sleep can include a lot of movement and noise, does not mean baby isn't getting the sleep she needs. 

She was also concerned about baby waking often after her longest stretch of sleep at the beginning of the night. We discussed that newborn sleep cycles can be as short as 45 minutes so baby will transition between cycles often and may need help shifting into the next one. Mom was silent for a bit and then said (in a very excited voice!), "So she's totally normal and right on track then...what a relief!" It was a very sweet moment and I loved that I could give this Mom and other parents the peace of mind of knowing their baby is right where they need to be.”