HUG Your Baby Website
PO Box 3102 Durham, NC USA

The HUG, Carrots and Cucumbers!

I am standing between the carrots and the cucumbers at Whole Foods today when a woman hurries up to me with her teenage daughter. "I have always wanted my daughter to meet you -- again!," the woman says. "For years I've told her how you did that 'baby exam' on her when she was a newborn. And, you were right. She has always been a self-soother," this mom explains. Mom glows and her daughter looks surprisingly interested to meet a character from a story she has heard about herself for years! This feels like an intimate and tender moment for a couple of gals in the produce section of the local grocery!

We must never take for granted how precious are the moments we spend with a family and their newborn. Giving a HUG during those early days makes a difference to new moms and dads. We are privileged to be there and honored to hold a space in their family story.