HUG Your Baby Website
PO Box 3102 Durham, NC USA

"Parent As Teacher" Professional trains as a Certified HUG Teacher

Nancy Spencer, M.Ed., is a parent consultant and a leader in the world of Parents As Teachers. For decades she has provided support to teachers and parents through workshops and in-home consultations about a child’s development, behavior, and the challenges of parenting. As part of her Certified HUG Teacher process Nancy taught a HUG Your Baby class to a group of expecting teen girls. Today, she shares this amazing story with us.

We were a small, cozy group of young high school girls and two parent educators, drinking hot chocolate and talking about dreams for their babies, babies who are already here and those who have not yet arrived. We talked about getting to know our babies and reading their cues. As we looked at the HUG video clips, talked about the many ways our babies can be our teachers, and shared their experiences, these young moms were amazed at how adept their babies would be at communicating.

The young mom of a 10-month-old little girl was able to recall periods, when her daughter was an infant, that she would demonstrate SOSs (Signs of Over-Stimulation), and recalled what she attempted to do for her baby. She then related how she continues to recognize when her daughter is over-stimulated and needs help calming down. This young mom knows her daughter well and is learning to support her as she continues to grow and learn about self-regulation.

Another young mom who is eagerly awaiting the arrival of her baby boy was amazed at what she saw in the videos. Her response was, “Wow! I didn’t know babies could calm like that! I will remember these things to help my baby when he gets here!”

As a parent educator, I am often overwhelmed by the road ahead for these young mothers and by the tremencous task that faces them. At the same time, I am encouraged by the support and guidance The HUG is able to provide our youngest parents. I look forward to using The HUG Your Baby materials to educates and encourage new parents--of all ages--as they begin the amazing journey of parenting.

© HUG Your Baby 2011