HUG Your Baby Website
PO Box 3102 Durham, NC USA

HUG Your Baby's New Collaboration with International Childbirth Organization!

Several weeks ago leadership from CAPPA (the world's largest childbirth education organization) and HUG Your Baby gathered to finalize and celebrate a collaboration of two tremendous resources for young families.

Watch CAPPA's announcement as Tracy Wilson Peters explains how all newly certified CAPPA professionals will now "Get The HUG" along with their CAPPA certification!

This moment in time began three years ago at the CAPPA 2008 Dallas conference. That's when Laurel Wilson (far right) first heard The HUG presentation and encouraged Jan to expand her vision of how HUG Your Baby could reach out to the childbirth and parenting community.

Two years later Kay Miller (far left) became one of the the first Certified HUG Teachers and took on the mission of incorporating HUG teaching into the CAPPA curriculum.

After months of investigation and careful consideration, CAPPA leadership--led by Tracy Wilson Peters, CAPPA CEO (second from left)--concluded that CAPPA and HUG Your Baby share a synergetic vision to educate, encourage, and empower young families. A collaboration seemed imperative.

And, Jan (second from right), counts her blessings that this great collaboration was conceived, and now is born (full-term and healthy!).

© HUG Your Baby 2011